Monday, March 15, 2010

Open Air Arts 2010, Melrose, FL

I've been making art outdoors in Melrose, FL for the past few days. It was windy and a little chilly, with lots of sunshine and a magical vibe of the historic locale and 65 other artists.

It's challenging work and difficult for me to convey a sense of place while maintaining my abstract 'roots'...all the while keeping charcoal, pastels, and water mediums (matte & gesso mostly) from not turning muddy.

Saturday and Sunday were 'artist viewing' days, for the public to walk around and watch us work. My photo was taken by a lovely German woman whose conversation in French with her friend caught my ear!

Shown here are "View from Palm Grove" and (below) "Prairie Creek Preserve View". Tomorrow is framing day, then we'll take work back over to Melrose Bay Gallery on Wednesday. Stay tuned for the big opening!!

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